There is only one opinion, from which one can make the conclusion that sex is a source of pleasure and fun. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. According to the statistics, about 50 percent claim that after the sexual act, they feel pulling pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Why this is happening and if this is normal? Say.
Causes of pain in lower abdomen after sex

Very often, the women at a reception at the gynecologist complain about the fact that they have a tummy ache after the act. The most common reason for the report the inflammatory diseases, which develop in the pelvic organs.
In some cases, the decisive factor is the sex of the infection. Often, it is quiet and rarely gets to feel. To dangerous diseases are chlamydia and gonorrhea.
If one pulls the stomach after a sexual intercourse, then the causes can hide the following:
- the surgical procedures in the form of abortion and diagnosis vysalivanie;
- the application of an intra-uterine device;
- the weakening of the immune function.
At the onset of pain in the stomach of the patient, there is an urgent need to consult a doctor. If a long time do not pay attention to the symptoms, there may be complications that lead to infertility and difficult gestation of the child.
Of the disease, characterized by pains after sex
When after sex stomach hurt, it is appropriate to reflect on the health. Perhaps, the reason lies in the presence of a disease.
Thrush or candidiasis
The pain in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse often occurs in this case, if the woman has evolved fungal disease in the vagina. At first glance, it seems harmless. But if you don't take action in a timely manner, this syndrome the pain will only increase.
The cause of the condition is long to receive antibiotics or fund, frequent washing, the presence of allergies on the joints, condoms, or the poor quality of the lingerie.
Symptoms of the disease in the form of severe itching and burning, pain in the lower belly after the act, rapid urination, the appearance of white cheese secretions.
Yet one of the reasons popular of the pain is an inflammatory process, which flows in the pelvic organs. Characterized by the proliferation in particular of the layer beyond the uterine cavity. The causes of the evolution of the disease are not yet known. But doctors warn their patients that the disease can occur in any woman of childbearing age.
The main sign of endometriosis is considered a major hemorrhage in the course of the month. The result was a strong pain syndrome. When the distribution of private homes outside of the uterine cavity develop some processes. This is why the stomach ache after sexual intercourse.
The poor quality of sex
Often the problem of pain lies in the wrong sex. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following:
Lack of excitement of the woman. During arousal the vagina increases in size. If the partner is not enough excited, it will come out good volume of fat, as well as the male sexual organ is larger than the size of the vagina.
Sudden and intense movements during sex. At the mishandling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the uterine cavity was injured.
Venous pooling of blood
When a woman is at the peak of the excitement, the blood begins to come towards the sex organs. Because of the accumulation of blood is the lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle. If a woman does not satisfy him, does not lead to regular sex or time to abstain from sexual output deteriorates significantly. On the background of this girl feels the heaviness and uncomfortable feeling in the lower abdomen.
Each time that the pain will only increase. With the time, even sex can't save him from the pain. The result of this intercourse will only some of the torments.
It should not be forgotten that the pooling of the blood leads to the development of several serious diseases in the form of endometriosis, fibroids, disorders of the functionality of the ovary, breast disease.
The anatomy and the incompatibility
Sick of the abdomen which can, and for the reason that the penis in the male is too large. The vagina has the ability to stretch about 2-3 inches during sexual excitement.
Experts have predicted that the average length of the male of the authority should be 12 to 14 inches. If it exceeds this value, then the probability of anatomical incompatibility increases both. Therefore, women will experience pain is not only after sex, but during it.
If this is a problem, experts advise using a special ring. They allow you to control the depth of the entry and to limit the penetration to prevent the onset of pain.
The absence of orgasm
To be sick and draw the abdomen which can, and for the reason that the woman does not know the full satisfaction during sexual intercourse. When intimacy during arousal the blood rushes to the pelvic organs. If the girl does not respond, then the blood flow is disrupted.
In this context, appears to be not only pulling, but the cut of the pain. If this will happen often, this will lead to the breakage of the functionality of the ovary. Solve a problem, may-be, if you try to change their posture. If this does not help, you should consult a sex therapist.
The pain after the act of pregnancy

Particular attention should be given to sexuality in the gestation phase. Opinions about sexual relations between a couple of different. Some doctors are categorically against the fact that the pregnant woman has had sex. Others place restrictions, if a threat of suspension and problems with the pregnancy. In other cases, to have sex, you can, but respecting some of the recommendations.
If the woman feels discomfort or pain, the cause may be:
- the reduction of the uterine cavity. During a sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to shrink even more. This process leads to pain;
- of fear. Each mom-to-be takes care of her pregnancy. On the bottom during sex the woman can't rest. Therefore, the vaginal muscles are too tight, and the result is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
- the exhaustion and weakness of the body. This phenomenon is usually observed during the toxicosis, frequent insomnia, chronic fatigue and sex to a calm state.
If painful feelings are exacerbated, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps, the mom-to-be can occur tone. The most dangerous period for sex is the first trimester of pregnancy up to 12 weeks and third quarter after 32-35 weeks. This can lead to a miscarriage or premature contractions.
Preventive and curative
If a woman experiences discomfort during sexual intercourse, it is best to consult a doctor. It will take the inspection, and to prescribe diagnostic ultrasound. In the absence of pathology, the doctors advise to use limiters.
If the reason of any disease, a therapy for healing. Candidiasis prescribed anti-fungal tool. And a good efficiency show douching weak soda solution.
When the disease of the venous blood are assigned to specific drugs that enhance the output. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.
If the cause of the pain has become a sexual infection, the treatment is done directly at both partners. In such cases drink the most strong antibiotics. For women prescribe vaginal suppositories and gels. The men recommend the use of ointments. Sexual contact is completely abandoned at two weeks.
In some cases, may require surgical intervention. This includes training benign, inflammation of the appendix. In each situation, the diagram to solve the problem individually on the basis of reason.